Taking Virtual Desktop Optimization Too Far

I’ve been spending a lot of time focusing on the lessons learned with Windows 7 migration. There are plenty of articles about optimizing the Windows 7 image (I’ve even authored a few of them in my Windows 7 Optimization section). However, I am left to wonder if some of these recommendations go too far. Most… Continue Reading →


Deciding How to Integrate Applications into a Virtual Desktop

A customer asked me, in fact many customers have asked me this question, “I’ve got a XenApp environment and I want to add virtual desktops for my users. What is the best way to integrate the applications?” My response, “It depends”. And like all things in the IT world, most decisions do depend on many… Continue Reading →

Consolidate for Small Scale

The Ask the Architect email inbox is getting quite large and I’ve received some great questions. I thought I would answer a question around the small-medium business (SMB) space, as it relates directly to a recently delivered Virtual Desktops for the SMB TechTalk and the reference design included within the XenDesktop Design Handbook. Namely, the… Continue Reading →

More to Availability than Live Migration

Anytime I’m in a discussion that deals with server or desktop virtualization, the topic usually heads to high availability. I usually get asked about live migration features like XenMotion. Honestly, there are many scenarios where it doesn’t make sense, but that is a discussion for later. What does matter is that your implementation continues to… Continue Reading →

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