My virtual desktop profile is important

Mark Twain said “When angry count to four. When very angry, swear”.  Unfortunately, I’ve heard many users swear. It is amazing how one little action can cause so much anger towards the IT organization or bring a new project to its knees.   Take the following, real world scenario, as an example: An organization had a… Continue Reading →


How many desktop images do I really need?

One of the main goals with desktop virtualization is to reduce the number of required desktop images. The fewer number of images, the easier it is to support and maintain the desktop environment, which makes desktop virtualization so promising when compared to the traditional desktop approach. The goal is a single image, but oftentimes, other… Continue Reading →

I Choo, Choo Choose You

From the words of Ralph Wiggum, I Choo, Choo, Choose You [to be my FlexCast model]. Choosing the correct FlexCast model always leaves people wondering if they made the right decision.  The answer to this question requires us to look closer into the user requirements.  For example, the ABC School District Reference Design was recently… Continue Reading →

The truth about XenDesktop 4 scalability

We’ve heard about it, we’ve seen it and we’ve read about it from Citrix, from VMware, from Microsoft and from just about everyone else. We see one report showing one technology is better than the other but then we see another report showing the exact opposite. Doesn’t this leave you wondering what you should do next. You might be wondering what in the world am I talking about?

Danger, Danger My Server Crashed

We all know the impact a server failure can have on a group of users, but what if that server was a core component of a desktop virtualization solution?  That’s a lot of unhappy users.  Before desktop virtualization, nobody gave a second thought about desktop availability. If a desktop failed, it only impacted a single user… Continue Reading →

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