How to use Outlook Cached Exchange Mode on XenApp and XenDesktop

A little bit of knowledge can save you a lot of time (or even an arm). As I mentioned previously, I’ve been building a new desk for my wife. For this particular project, I drew the entire desk to scale in a CAD program. The drawings were detailed to the point that they included the… Continue reading How to use Outlook Cached Exchange Mode on XenApp and XenDesktop

When to use Outlook Cached Exchange Mode on XenApp and XenDesktop

The other day, I was in my workshop building a new desk for my wife when one of my kids came in asking me about the different tools I had scattered all over the room.  I said “this is a radial arm saw, this is a circular saw, this is a band saw and this… Continue reading When to use Outlook Cached Exchange Mode on XenApp and XenDesktop

Can I use Outlook Cached Exchange Mode on XenApp and XenDesktop

You are driving a bus and you make a stop and pick up Margaret, a 66 year old woman. At the next stop, you pick up two people, a 22 year old man named Ralph and a 44 year old woman named Lisa. At the next stop, Margaret gets off, while 3 more people get… Continue reading Can I use Outlook Cached Exchange Mode on XenApp and XenDesktop