I have seen a lot of scalability reports lately around desktop virtualization. This is good in that we can start to see how the different things we do can provide better capacity. However, one thing that does trouble me is when I see tests only allocating 512 or 768MB of RAM to a Windows 7… Continue reading VDI Resource Allocation
Category: Windows 7
Windows 7 Optimization Guide for XenDesktop
If you have been following my ongoing commentary regarding Windows 7 optimizations for virtual desktops, you have probably been wondering when all of this information will be put into a document. Well, it has finally happened. Based on many of the items Citrix Consulting has identified, we have our initial Windows 7 optimization guide for… Continue reading Windows 7 Optimization Guide for XenDesktop
Optimize Your Virtual Desktop Recycle Bin
I’m reading more and more Windows 7 optimization guides for virtual desktops and I’m starting to believe that many people are focusing too much on scalability and too little on the user experience. I’ve spoken about people taking optimizations too far before, but this time I want to talk about one item… the Recycle Bin?… Continue reading Optimize Your Virtual Desktop Recycle Bin
Feller’s Law on Virtual Desktop Optimizations
I’ve been spending time developing the Citrix recommendations for Windows 7 optimization and came to an interesting conclusion: many of these settings sounds good, but they don’t really have much impact. I’ve now read two different studies on this: Ron Oglesby’s assessment Project VRC’s Deep Dive What have I learned? You will get minimal performance… Continue reading Feller’s Law on Virtual Desktop Optimizations
Taking Virtual Desktop Optimization Too Far
I’ve been spending a lot of time focusing on the lessons learned with Windows 7 migration. There are plenty of articles about optimizing the Windows 7 image (I’ve even authored a few of them in my Windows 7 Optimization section). However, I am left to wonder if some of these recommendations go too far. Most… Continue reading Taking Virtual Desktop Optimization Too Far
Screen savers and virtual desktops
If a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around, does it make a sound? If a screen saver is running and no one is watching, does it matter? You can debate me on the first question, but the second one is a definite YES. You remember long ago when fancy screen savers were… Continue reading Screen savers and virtual desktops
Optimize Windows 7 Visual Effects for Virtual Desktops
Some of you might be aware, others might not. Did you know that the mouse icon in Windows 7 (and earlier versions) has a shadow? I bet a bunch of you are looking for it now. It is hard to see, but it is there. Something that most people wouldn’t recognize as being on or… Continue reading Optimize Windows 7 Visual Effects for Virtual Desktops
Windows 7 Registry Optimizations for Virtual Desktops
In another blog, I discussed Windows 7 services that you might wish to disable when going down the path of desktop virtualization. In this article, I’m now focusing on registry modification you will want to make to optimize Windows 7 for virtual desktops. I’ve broken it down into Recommended configurations, Standard Mode configurations (for Provisioning… Continue reading Windows 7 Registry Optimizations for Virtual Desktops
Windows 7 Optimization – Disable Services
Looking to virtualize Windows 7 and deliver it as a virtual desktop? Good for you! But what are you going to do to the operating system to optimize it? Not sure? How about disable some services. That always saves resources. There are so many, which ones make the most sense? Let’s assume you are using… Continue reading Windows 7 Optimization – Disable Services
Windows 7 Migration at BriForum
What would you say if I were to tell you that migrating to a virtual desktop was no different than if you were going to migrate to Windows 7? I’m being serious. Migrating a user to a virtual desktop has many similarities to migrating a user to Windows 7 on a traditional desktop. With a… Continue reading Windows 7 Migration at BriForum