Sizing XenApp Windows 2012R2 Virtual Machines

I guess I’m not done yet. Last week, I posted the latest recommendations on sizing Windows 10 and Windows 7 virtual machines for a XenDesktop environment.  I received a few replies from people asking for any updates regarding Windows 2012R2. Unfortunately, when we discuss Windows 2012R2 and XenApp, the recommendations are not as straightforward as… Continue reading Sizing XenApp Windows 2012R2 Virtual Machines

The New XenApp – Reducing IOPS to 1

As we all know, IOPS are the bane of any application and virtualization project. If you don’t have enough, users will suffer. If you have too many, you probably spent too much money and your business will suffer. So we are always trying to find ways to more accurately estimate IOPS requirements as well as… Continue reading The New XenApp – Reducing IOPS to 1