More to Availability than Live Migration

Anytime I’m in a discussion that deals with server or desktop virtualization, the topic usually heads to high availability. I usually get asked about live migration features like XenMotion. Honestly, there are many scenarios where it doesn’t make sense, but that is a discussion for later. What does matter is that your implementation continues to… Continue reading More to Availability than Live Migration


One of the big questions regarding virtual desktops is storage. In fact, I’ve discussed this numerous times (here and here and here). This has mostly been with a focus on IOPS. This time I want to focus on the high-availability aspect you get with shared storage, but with the focus of being on the SMB/SME… Continue reading SAN, VDI and SMB

Danger, Danger My Server Crashed

We all know the impact a server failure can have on a group of users, but what if that server was a core component of a desktop virtualization solution?  That’s a lot of unhappy users.  Before desktop virtualization, nobody gave a second thought about desktop availability. If a desktop failed, it only impacted a single user… Continue reading Danger, Danger My Server Crashed