Based on the questions I’ve received, it seems like Skype for Business is a pretty big deal. So, let’s take a look at another question I recently received with regard to the Citrix RealTime Optimization Pack for Skype for Business: How does this work with 3-way calling? With Skype for Business, in order to do… Continue reading Skype for Business – Three-way calling
Category: Optimizations
Windows 10 Optimization: Part 8 – The Results
Statistics are fun. It is amazing what interesting insights you can get from statistics. For example About 20% of workers would work harder if their employer offered a $1,000 shopping spree at the store of their choice – You hear that Citrix! About 20% of the people who watch the Super Bowl do so for… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization: Part 8 – The Results
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 7: ICA
Were you planning to buy that? Nope. Of course, as you saw in my previous blog, my stupid lawn mower wheel snapped off with only 30 minutes left in the season! D’oh! Figured I would just head to the local hardware store and buy a new one. Guess what? Hardware stores in Minnesota don’t sell… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 7: ICA
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 6 – Release
I look forward to winter arriving because it means I’m done mowing the yard for 5-7 months. So you can imagine how excited I was when I was mowing my yard for the final time of the season. I could see the end in sight. I was beginning to think about what I would do… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 6 – Release
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 5 – Runtime
The difference between laziness and ingenious is in the eye of the beholder. For example, operating my telescope can almost all be done remotely. I do have to go outside and manually roll off the roof of the shed but after that, I can connect to my PC remotely and control my telescope, my camera,… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 5 – Runtime
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 4 – User Interface
I think I create my to-do lists wrong. I never feel like I’m making any progress. For example, one item on my to-do list was “Fix sailboat rudder”. It was looking pretty gnarly, plus my tiller broke, which made for an interesting sail back to the mooring. This one item on my list took me… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 4 – User Interface
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 3 – Scheduled Tasks
Living in the cold north, you learn to take vacation during the 3 weeks of summer (it really isn’t that bad). I typically spend this time windsurfing, sailing, biking or camping (notice all outdoor activities). Unfortunately, when vacation time gets close, I start to see a growing honey-do list. I spent a good portion of… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 3 – Scheduled Tasks
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 1 – Apps
Note: New article on Default App Optimization for VDI posted that includes the Anniversary (Build 1607) and Creator (Build 1703) updates. This post is only for the original (Build 1511) release. And we all know from Windows 7, optimization guides for VDI made a substantial, positive impact on server density, but will the same hold… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 1 – Apps
SMB Tuning for XenApp
Many of us who worked on XenApp servers with Windows 2000/2003 remember tuning the SMB settings of MaxMpxCt. In short, this allowed a XenApp server to make more simultaneous SMB connections to a file server. Think about it, on XenApp, you have 50-100 users making connections to a file server. The file server sees those… Continue reading SMB Tuning for XenApp