When it comes to operating system optimization, I have two sides battling with each other. Although optimizing does improve single server scalability, I believe the more you mess with the OS the greater your chances are that you will break something. Default Apps Unlike Windows 10, which had numerous default apps that increased user logon… Continue reading Windows Server 2016 Optimizations for Citrix XenApp
Tag: vdi
Citrix VDI Handbook 7.6
The Citrix VDI Handbook is now available! Let me answer a few questions about the VDI Handbook Version: The VDI Handbook is based on the XenApp and XenDesktop 7.6 Long-Term Service Release. Updates: The plan is to release a VDI Handbook for each Long-Term Service Release. The VDI Handbook is based on real-world implementation experiences.… Continue reading Citrix VDI Handbook 7.6
Skype for Business – Three-way calling
Based on the questions I’ve received, it seems like Skype for Business is a pretty big deal. So, let’s take a look at another question I recently received with regard to the Citrix RealTime Optimization Pack for Skype for Business: How does this work with 3-way calling? With Skype for Business, in order to do… Continue reading Skype for Business – Three-way calling
Skype for Business – VDI to Native
I recently posted a blog and video about the new Citrix Realtime Optimization Pack for Skype for Business. As you could see from the video, Citrix is able to deliver Skype for Business to RDS/VDI users with XenApp and XenDesktop. With the optimization pack, CPU utilization on the processor is negligible while the overall user… Continue reading Skype for Business – VDI to Native
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 7: ICA
Were you planning to buy that? Nope. Of course, as you saw in my previous blog, my stupid lawn mower wheel snapped off with only 30 minutes left in the season! D’oh! Figured I would just head to the local hardware store and buy a new one. Guess what? Hardware stores in Minnesota don’t sell… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 7: ICA
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 6 – Release
I look forward to winter arriving because it means I’m done mowing the yard for 5-7 months. So you can imagine how excited I was when I was mowing my yard for the final time of the season. I could see the end in sight. I was beginning to think about what I would do… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 6 – Release
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 5 – Runtime
The difference between laziness and ingenious is in the eye of the beholder. For example, operating my telescope can almost all be done remotely. I do have to go outside and manually roll off the roof of the shed but after that, I can connect to my PC remotely and control my telescope, my camera,… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 5 – Runtime
Windows 10 Optimization – Part 4 – User Interface
I think I create my to-do lists wrong. I never feel like I’m making any progress. For example, one item on my to-do list was “Fix sailboat rudder”. It was looking pretty gnarly, plus my tiller broke, which made for an interesting sail back to the mooring. This one item on my list took me… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 4 – User Interface
One Imaging Solution to Rule Them All
As we all know, a single image management solution is extremely important in the VDI world. We will have hundreds or thousands of desktops that must be built and maintained. Image management is even more important when we have stateless desktops because we want our desktop to be reset to its original state after each… Continue reading One Imaging Solution to Rule Them All
Virtual Desktops with Local Storage, Good Enough for Me
The desktop is a unique beast within the data center. It is something different than what we’ve typically placed within the tightly controlled, highly-available environment. What happened so far is that the desktop has changed to better align with data center practices. That means having high levels of availability and utilizing shared storage. But is… Continue reading Virtual Desktops with Local Storage, Good Enough for Me