Considerations for Cloud Desktops – Skillset

Many moons ago when I first got my driver’s license, I remember driving down the road in the small town I grew up in. All of the sudden, the engine dies. Luckily, I was able to coast into a parking lot. I parked the car and popped the hood. I’m not sure what I expected… Continue reading Considerations for Cloud Desktops – Skillset

VDI Deployment Options

I enjoy having choices. I like having choices between Hefeweizen, Amber and Pale Ales. I like having a choice between playing Fallout, Mass Effect and Lego Star Wars. I like having a choice between mountain biking, tennis or hiking (yes, you can do all of these in the winter in Minnesota). I also have a… Continue reading VDI Deployment Options

Citrix Workspace Authentication: Overview

One of the major issues with the current state of the end user computing environment is the number of identities a user is required to remember.  Almost every service or application a user subscribes to requires the user create a new identity and password. With so many identities, almost all of us use the same… Continue reading Citrix Workspace Authentication: Overview

Sizing XenApp Azure VMs

When we size XenApp virtual machines for an on-premises deployment, we often talk about larger servers and NUMA. But what about sizing XenApp instances if we host in Azure? Azure has an extensive library of instances, with each instance providing different amounts of CPU, RAM, storage and GPU options. If we run the same scalability… Continue reading Sizing XenApp Azure VMs

PVS vs MCS – Part 7: Summary

As Q said in the final episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, “All good things must come to an end” and after 6 previous blogs focusing on deciding between Provisioning Services and Machine Creation Services, it is time to end. As I explained, over the past 5 years, improvements were made to Provisioning Services… Continue reading PVS vs MCS – Part 7: Summary

PVS vs MCS – Part 1: Resource Delivery Options

This is part of a series comparing Provisioning Services and Machine Creation Services Part 1: Resource Delivery Options Part 2: Scalability Part 3: Storage Optimization Part 4: Deployment Part 5: On-going Maintenance Part 6: Architecture Part 7: Summary Five years ago, Citrix released Machine Creation Services.  As a way to help admins decide between Provisioning… Continue reading PVS vs MCS – Part 1: Resource Delivery Options