Synchronize vs Mirror

This has confused me with Citrix Profile Management… What is the difference between synchronizing a folder and mirroring a folder? When I say source and destination, I mean the following: Source = virtual desktop Destination = profile store The descriptions for both sound very similar, so I thought I would dig into this a little… Continue reading Synchronize vs Mirror

Sync the Windows 10 (1703) Start Menu in VDI

Even though it is still Windows 10, each release introduces changes that impacts our VDI deployment. We saw this with optimizing the operating system as we have different default apps, scheduled tasks and services. But what about the Start Menu? Synchronizing the Windows 10 Start Menu in VDI was the bane of many admin’s existence.… Continue reading Sync the Windows 10 (1703) Start Menu in VDI

Microsoft Windows 10, Citrix XenDesktop and Logon Time

How long does your Windows 10 logon take? Logging into my lab, my logons felt long. True I’m not using server-level hardware that you would see in production, but my logon times felt too long because I don’t have logon scripts, complex group policy preferences, or even massive profiles. After reading the Rule of 30… Continue reading Microsoft Windows 10, Citrix XenDesktop and Logon Time