Microsoft Office 2016 Impact on XenDesktop Scalability

A day doesn’t go by when I don’t open up at least one Microsoft Office application.  Even on weekends, when I’m not working, I usually open at least one application. It should be of little surprise that Microsoft Office is one of the most used set of applications in many RDS/VDI deployments. But what impact… Continue reading Microsoft Office 2016 Impact on XenDesktop Scalability

XenDesktop 7.7 and Windows 10

The other day, I was able to share the latest single server density results when running Windows 7 on XenDesktop 7.7. We looked at a range of parameters like: PVS vs MCS PVS Disk Cache vs RAM Cache Citrix Policies: Very High Definition vs High Server Scalability vs Optimized for WAN Windows 7 optimizations Once… Continue reading XenDesktop 7.7 and Windows 10

Virtual Desktop Resources: Then and Now

Two years ago, I wrote a blog called “Lessons Learned with vCPU allocation”. This was still fairly early in the world of virtual desktops. But with numerous successful projects, we were able to start generating sizing estimates for virtual desktops. We talked about how many vCPUs we should allocate, how many users we expect to… Continue reading Virtual Desktop Resources: Then and Now

XenDesktop 5 Scalability – Site Capacity

When we last looked at XenDesktop 5 scalability, we really focused on the user experience in that users should not be required to wait longer than 2.5 seconds before the system responded to an authentication or launch request. We said that if the controller got very busy due to logon storms, we could add additional… Continue reading XenDesktop 5 Scalability – Site Capacity

XenDesktop 5 Scalability – XenDesktop Controller Capacity

Think about the architecture of XenDesktop 5. One of the core components responsible for an acceptable user experience during the initial authentication and launch of the virtual desktop are the controllers. If these controllers get overloaded, it will take users longer to launch their virtual desktops. What is acceptable is based on the users and… Continue reading XenDesktop 5 Scalability – XenDesktop Controller Capacity