Latest XenDesktop 7.5 IOPS

It is amazing when you’ve been focused on a technology for so long that you start to see major improvements. In 2010, I provided my original guidance on XenDesktop IOPS. Four years later, have we seen any major improvement? See for yourself. As you might be aware, I’ve been working with the Citrix Solutions Lab… Continue reading Latest XenDesktop 7.5 IOPS

The Latest XenApp 7.5 Read/Write Ratios

As technology changes, so too does a recommendation. For years when you deployed XenApp servers with Provisioning Services, the storage Read:Write ratio would be 10:90. This is still the case in most scenarios. But in analyzing the latest data from the Citrix Solutions Lab, who were testing the “RAM Cache with Overflow to Disk” option,… Continue reading The Latest XenApp 7.5 Read/Write Ratios

The New XenApp – Reducing IOPS to 1

As we all know, IOPS are the bane of any application and virtualization project. If you don’t have enough, users will suffer. If you have too many, you probably spent too much money and your business will suffer. So we are always trying to find ways to more accurately estimate IOPS requirements as well as… Continue reading The New XenApp – Reducing IOPS to 1


One of the big questions regarding virtual desktops is storage. In fact, I’ve discussed this numerous times (here and here and here). This has mostly been with a focus on IOPS. This time I want to focus on the high-availability aspect you get with shared storage, but with the focus of being on the SMB/SME… Continue reading SAN, VDI and SMB

Does Cache Trump IOPS

With desktop virtualization, we hear more and more about how important IOPS are to being able to support the virtual desktop. I’ve had a few blogs about it and plan to have a few more. What I wanted to talk about was an interesting discussion I recently had with 3 Senior Architects within Citrix Consulting… Continue reading Does Cache Trump IOPS

Local or Shared Storage – that is the question

Previously I’ve talked about how using local storage can help reduce the costs of desktop virtualization.  Paul Wilson tested this type of environment to determine if it is possible or to see if I was talking crazy. The result: it is possible and I’m a little crazy.  So we have a new design decision, which… Continue reading Local or Shared Storage – that is the question

I’m working when I’m Idle

I’m working when I’m idle, well from my desktop’s perspective that is the case.  We all know that when a desktop starts, when a user logs on, when a user is working and when a user logs off that user has an impact on the system resources: CPU, Memory and Disk.  When the user is… Continue reading I’m working when I’m Idle