As we all know, IOPS are the bane of any application and virtualization project. If you don’t have enough, users will suffer. If you have too many, you probably spent too much money and your business will suffer. So we are always trying to find ways to more accurately estimate IOPS requirements as well as… Continue reading The New XenApp – Reducing IOPS to 1
Storage and IOPS guidance for delivering Apps using XenDesktop
If it wasn’t for the cost, I would… Cost is one of the major barriers to doing almost anything. With enough money and resources, a person can do anything, but this makes a lot of things unfeasible because we don’t have an unlimited supply of money. When we tried to create a solution to mobilize… Continue reading Storage and IOPS guidance for delivering Apps using XenDesktop
Virtual Desktop Resources: Then and Now
Two years ago, I wrote a blog called “Lessons Learned with vCPU allocation”. This was still fairly early in the world of virtual desktops. But with numerous successful projects, we were able to start generating sizing estimates for virtual desktops. We talked about how many vCPUs we should allocate, how many users we expect to… Continue reading Virtual Desktop Resources: Then and Now
I also just got back from BriForum 2011 – Chicago and attended two sessions that furthered my beliefs that blanketing antivirus across all of my virtual desktops probably isn’t the best thing. First, Jim Moyle focused his session on a deep dive into Windows IOPS and showed how different actions impact IOPS requirements in a… Continue reading Virus!!!
PVS or MCS – We Talking About IOPS Again
Deciding between PVS and MCS is a tough decision for many organizations. Although MCS is limited in that it can only do virtual machines, it does appear to be easier to setup than PVS. In fact, MCS just works while PVS requires another server and configuration of bootstrap processes like TFTP/PXE. So it sounds like… Continue reading PVS or MCS – We Talking About IOPS Again
VDI Resource Allocation
I have seen a lot of scalability reports lately around desktop virtualization. This is good in that we can start to see how the different things we do can provide better capacity. However, one thing that does trouble me is when I see tests only allocating 512 or 768MB of RAM to a Windows 7… Continue reading VDI Resource Allocation
Improper Storage Design for Virtual Desktops is a Killer
I’ve spent the last month or so discussing the top 10 mistakes seen on desktop virtualization implementation so you can learn from other’s mistakes. I’ve discussed 9 different things so far and they were: 10. Not calculating user bandwidth requirements 9. Not considering the user profile 8. Lack of Application Virtualization Strategy 7. Improper… Continue reading Improper Storage Design for Virtual Desktops is a Killer
Does Cache Trump IOPS
With desktop virtualization, we hear more and more about how important IOPS are to being able to support the virtual desktop. I’ve had a few blogs about it and plan to have a few more. What I wanted to talk about was an interesting discussion I recently had with 3 Senior Architects within Citrix Consulting… Continue reading Does Cache Trump IOPS
Delivering Desktop Images at the School
In a previous post, I discussed how many different desktop images the ABC school district required for their desktop virtualization design: five. Read the previous blog to find out why five were needed. With 18,000 virtual desktops, the challenge now becomes on how to design/scale the Provisioning services environment. And even still, what happens if… Continue reading Delivering Desktop Images at the School
Do you know all that you should know about desktop virtualization
A long time ago, in a blog far, far away, I asked a simple question “What virtual desktop design topics are you interested in?” Thankfully, I got a few comments from Steven Hunt, Faisal Iqbal, and Tyrone Thomas so I won’t be forced to deliver a standard, glossy marketing presentation. Instead, those of you attending… Continue reading Do you know all that you should know about desktop virtualization