Sizing Windows 2016, Windows 2012 and Windows 10 Virtual Machines

It has been almost one year since Windows Server 2016 was released at Microsoft Ignite. Are the virtual machine sizing recommendations for Windows Server 2012R2 applicable to Windows Server 2016? And since we are talking about sizing virtual machines for XenApp and XenDesktop, it might be a good time to revisit Windows 10. Let’s first… Continue reading Sizing Windows 2016, Windows 2012 and Windows 10 Virtual Machines

How do I define failover servers for delivery groups

Although XenApp 6.5 worker groups do not exist in XenApp 7.x, we’ve seen how similar functionality is available. Using a single console, Studio, we can easily increase capacity of a delivery group With XenApp 7.12 applications tags, we can mimic the functionality where a server could belong to multiple worker groups Instead of comparing XenApp… Continue reading How do I define failover servers for delivery groups

How do I increase Delivery Group (Worker Group) capacity

As described in the blog How do I migrate a XenApp worker group structure, we saw how the use of Delivery groups, application groups and tags allow us to replicate XenApp 6.5 worker group capabilities to XenApp 7.x. There are some operational differences between Worker Groups and Delivery Groups, namely, how do increase the capacity… Continue reading How do I increase Delivery Group (Worker Group) capacity

How do I migrate a XenApp worker group structure

In XenApp 6.5, there is the concept of a worker group.  Before that, we called them load managed groups or application silos.  Basically, it is  group of XenApp servers publishing the same set of applications.  If you publish an app on one server, that published app is also available across every other server in the… Continue reading How do I migrate a XenApp worker group structure

How Do I Create ICA Files

In older versions of XenApp (6.5 and earlier), we could create ICA files, which were essentially shortcuts, and email them to users or place them on a static web page. With XenApp 7.x, ICA files are no longer available.  However, StoreFront provides an alternative with a little option called “Website Shortcuts”. It is a feature… Continue reading How Do I Create ICA Files

Skype for Business – Three-way calling

Based on the questions I’ve received, it seems like Skype for Business is a pretty big deal.  So, let’s take a look at another question I recently received with regard to the Citrix RealTime Optimization Pack for Skype for Business: How does this work with 3-way calling? With Skype for Business, in order to do… Continue reading Skype for Business – Three-way calling

XenApp Best Practice #4: The Right User Experience

Over the years, I’ve done quite a few wood working projects, like building a coffee table, end table, entertainment center, mudroom lockers, etc. Every project results in leftover pieces of wood. I dislike throwing perfectly good wood away, especially if it is large enough to make something. Last year, my wife asked me if I… Continue reading XenApp Best Practice #4: The Right User Experience

Windows 10 Optimization: Part 8 – The Results

Statistics are fun. It is amazing what interesting insights you can get from statistics. For example About 20% of workers would work harder if their employer offered a $1,000 shopping spree at the store of their choice – You hear that Citrix! About 20% of the people who watch the Super Bowl do so for… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization: Part 8 – The Results

Windows 10 Optimization – Part 7: ICA

Were you planning to buy that? Nope. Of course, as you saw in my previous blog, my stupid lawn mower wheel snapped off with only 30 minutes left in the season! D’oh! Figured I would just head to the local hardware store and buy a new one. Guess what? Hardware stores in Minnesota don’t sell… Continue reading Windows 10 Optimization – Part 7: ICA

XenApp Best Practice #3: Consistency

Back in my college years, I shared an apartment with a few other people.  One night, sitting in my room, at my PC, staring at the keyboard, trying to figure out how to complete a project for my COBOL class (yes, I’m that old). All of the sudden, I noticed some of the letters on… Continue reading XenApp Best Practice #3: Consistency